Spoiler Proxy — Network fault simulator

Download and start Spoiler proxy

Do you have Docker installed?

Just type:

docker run --rm -p 1080:1080 -p 8484:8484 spoilerproxy/jdk8

You will find Spoiler Proxy management console at http://localhost:8484. SOCKS5 will be available at port 1080.

Manual installation

Download the latest stable version v1.0.13-beta (2019-12-31)
You can also try other versions or you can build it directly from source code.

Unzip installation file.
Go to build/libs folder.

Prepare environment for Spoiler proxy.

You need Java 8 (or newer) installed:

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk

Run Spoiler proxy

Run spoiler proxy with the command:

java -jar spoiler-proxy.war

After start check management console at http://localhost:8484. If you see proxy management console with green blinking status, the proxy is ready to receive connections from your application.

Ready? So redirect all traffic from your application to Spoiler Proxy.